Neli Brady - Neli Torres (on FB)

Contemporary acrylic painter

Friday Sept 22 (5pm - 8pm),

Saturday Sept 23 & Sunday Sept 24

(10am - 5pm)

1043 Westchester Drive,

Windsor ON N8S3Z1


 I have never professed to being an artist, nor am I arrogant enough to make such a claim, if someone bestows on me the honour of such a title, I will accept it gracefully and with humility.

My goal is purely selfish-Painting. 
 Undeniably, it is a passion for me. I paint when and what I like; when inspiration claims me, when the need to self-express is powerful-to me, for me. 

When family and friends like my work, it fuels the passion and validates my love of painting, but ultimately, I create for me, alone.

I love the feel of the brush gliding through the canvas, the paint flowing, moving and creating forms. The textures, the brilliance of colours, the aesthetics created, the mixing combinations-often times, even the element of surprise. There’s an incredible power when presented with a freshly gessoed canvas-the excitement, the hope, the endless possibilities…

To the viewer: it is important to remember that art is completely a subjective matter. When viewing a masterwork, we all see, experience and feel something unique and personal; colours, objects, thoughts, ideas, emotions and feelings arising from each piece, will vary greatly depending on the viewers’ life experience.

Nonetheless…regardless of what “you see” or “how you feel”, I sincerely hope it evokes an enjoyable  pleasing and meaningful moment.
May the moment last.....